Carpets and furniture are healthy to have in your home because they act like filters that collect pollutants. According to the American Lung Association, carpets collect and hold years of:

* Dust & dust mites
* Pet dander
* Mold spores
* Dead skin
* Oils
* Pollen
* Cockroach Allergens
* Pesticides
Carpet and furniture fibers collect and hold pollutants out of our breathing zone, and prevent them from circulating throughout the house’s environment. Like with any filter, if not cleaned when full the pollutants can become airborne. This means your carpets can become a health hazard if not cleaned regularly. In fact, one square foot of carpeting can hold one pound of dirt and dust. Our customers with some of the nicest, cleanest looking carpets have been absolutely shocked by the black water we extract out of their carpet!
We're passionate about health at Jen's Carpet Cleaning, which is why our slogan is "Clean Carpets, Healthy Homes." We believe that good health is critical to a health community. Health starts at home. A clean living environment makes all the difference in your quality of life. Give Jen's Carpet Cleaning a call and let us show you what's been living in your carpet!